{"id":4934,"date":"2023-02-22T19:04:10","date_gmt":"2023-02-22T19:04:10","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/mysafesmoke.com\/pea-anti-inflammatory-superstar-project-cbd\/"},"modified":"2023-02-22T19:04:10","modified_gmt":"2023-02-22T19:04:10","slug":"pea-anti-inflammatory-superstar-project-cbd","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/mysafesmoke.com\/pea-anti-inflammatory-superstar-project-cbd\/","title":{"rendered":"PEA: Anti-Inflammatory Superstar | Project CBD"},"content":{"rendered":"



Think of your brain as an ocean, an ecosystem inhabited by numerous species of fish-like neurotransmitters and their receptors, with currents of electricity connecting and delicately balancing all the different components. Inflammation is like a bloom of red algae, harming everything around it and upsetting the homeostasis of the environment.<\/p>\n

Enter our hero, Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA<\/span>) \u2013 a lipid messenger kindred to the endocannabinoid system and a close cousin of anandamide (AEA<\/span>), the famous endocannabinoid neurotransmitter. Sometimes referred to as \u201cthe endogenous version of CBD<\/span>,\u201d PEA<\/span> is a powerhouse against inflammation and pain. Like CBD<\/span>, PEA<\/span> increases the levels of endocannabinoids and strengthens the endocannabinoid system. And, again like CBD<\/span>, a constant theme in the scientific literature about PEA<\/span> is its incredibly strong safety profile.<\/p>\n

In our neural ocean metaphor, PEA<\/span> weighs in as the \u201cmost venerable of the leviathans,\u201d the grinning Right Whale, a stalwart fighter in our constant battle against inflammation and pain.<\/p>\n

A Mystery<\/h2>\n

The PEA<\/span> story begins with a mystery, which leads to another mystery \u2013 and ends with the next great wave of the cannabinoid revolution.<\/p>\n

We begin during World War 2 \u2013 and indeed, geopolitics plays a significant role in our tale. Because of the war effort, we find it a prosperous time for the new-ish field known as \u201cpublic health.\u201d A healthy population of workers was essential to support the production of war materiel. Two NYC<\/span> doctors named Coburn and Moore found that if they gave dried eggs to the poor children of the tenements, this helped to prevent rheumatic fever and other ills related to poor nutrition. They also discovered that egg yolks are an anti-inflammatory food.<\/p>\n

Usually, when a plant or food is found to have unique health properties, scientists dig in to find the specific molecules responsible for the beneficial effect. And usually these are proteins because proteins are the workhorses of the cell. But in this case, as the researchers separated the various classes of molecules involved, they realized that it was the lipids \u2013 the fatty molecules \u2013 that caused the positive health effects.<\/p>\n

Proteins may be the workhorses, but they\u2019re more binary; usually they are either on or off. Lipids act in a more analog manner. Our cells are adept at sensing even minute changes in lipid levels and responding accordingly. While scientists used to think of lipids as just the foodstuff of cells, now we know them to be a finely tuned cellular system primed to find homeostasis and balance. But how do these fatty components of eggs work to maintain homeostasis?<\/p>\n


Lipid Mechanisms<\/h2>\n

The first big breakthrough occurred in the 1950s when a team led by Dr. F.A.<\/span> Kuehl identified the active anti-inflammatory ingredient in egg yolks to be palmitoylethanolamide. He also found the same molecule in soybeans and peanuts, two other anti-inflammatory foods.<\/p>\n

But scientists struggled to understand the mechanisms that caused this intriguing lipid to influence inflammation. During the 1960s, some papers in animal models were published confirming the anti-inflammatory effects of PEA<\/span>. And in an important turn of events, a team led by Dr. S. Udenfriend discovered that PEA<\/span> naturally occurs in a number of mammalian organs, and at high levels. So scientists realized that PEA<\/span> not only lessens inflammation \u2013 our own bodies and brains also produce it as an internal regulator of inflammation.<\/p>\n

But it wasn\u2019t until the 1970s that the first serious clinical trials emerged, and these happened in Czechoslovakia, a nation that no longer exists. The Czech pharmaceutical company SPOFA<\/span> (United Pharmaceutical Works) developed a PEA<\/span> drug called Impulsin. To test it, they turned to the gigantic Skoda factory, a manufacturer of cars, tanks, and industrial equipment, which employed a tremendous workforce. SPOFA<\/span> ran several clinical trials with the factory workers as well as with the military and civilian populations. Altogether, 2,000 adults and 400 children entered these trials.<\/p>\n

Administered in a double-blind manner (the gold-standard of modern medical trials), all of the results pointed in the same direction: PEA<\/span> was safe and possessed a clear efficacy in treating respiratory infections. It reduced the incidence of fever, headache, and sore throat. And furthermore, according to the Czech researchers, \u201cNo side effects were registered after several years of clinical testing of Impulsin in military and civilian communities [emphasis added].\u201d<\/p>\n

The first big breakthrough occurred when PEA<\/span> was identified as the active anti-inflammatory ingredient in egg yolk. And our own brains also produce it.<\/p>\n

PEA<\/span> worked! This was proven in large trials. But then ensued what is known in endocannabinoid circles as the Silent Gap period.<\/p>\n

Through the early 1980s, the work of SPOFA<\/span> faded away, lost behind the so-called Iron Curtain. Interest also waned because scientists could not explain PEA<\/span>\u2019s mechanism of action. No one could figure out how it actually worked. PEA<\/span> ended up being labeled an \u201cunspecific immune enhancer\u201d and the scientific community seemingly lost interest.<\/p>\n

Rescuing PEA<\/span> from Obscurity<\/h2>\n

That changed in 1993, when the human hero of our story, Dr. Rita Levi-Montalcini, entered the picture.<\/p>\n

Here is where geopolitics get too real. Earlier in her life, as a Jewish scientist in Mussolini\u2019s Italy, Dr. Levi-Montalcini lost her laboratory. Forced to flee to Florence, she set up a workstation in the basement of a house, and there she continued her work studying the early development of organisms \u2013 one of the most challenging problems in all of science. The work she performed in that basement led to her discovery of the brain\u2019s nerve growth factors (NGF<\/span>s), one of the most important neurochemical findings of the century \u2013 and resulted in her sharing the Nobel Prize in 1986.<\/p>\n

Seven years later, while affiliated with the Institute of Neurobiology in Rome, Dr. Levi-Montalcini and her team published a famed paper in which they proposed that PEA<\/span> works via its control of mast cells \u2013 an important type of white blood cell responsible for releasing histamine. While most often associated with allergies, histamine is a both a hormone and a neurotransmitter involved in the inflammatory response. Mast cells respond to the healing of wounds, the growth of new blood vessels, the defense against pathogens, and the rallying of the immune response.<\/p>\n

They referred to PEA<\/span>\u2019s relationship to mast cells as \u201cthe ALIA<\/span> hypothesis.\u201d<\/p>\n

A review of their work in the Journal of Pain and Relief summarizes, \u201cAutocoid or autacoid is a rather old-fashioned term for a regulating molecule, locally produced and locally exerting its actions \u2026 PEA<\/span> is formed locally when inflammation or neurogenic pain occur, and increased PEA<\/span> concentrations are based on the body-own mechanisms to cope with pain and inflammation. This is called: on-demand synthesis.\u201d<\/p>\n

\u201cAn ALIA<\/span>mide is an autocoid synthesized in response to injury or inflammation, and acting locally to counteract such pathology. Thus, PEA<\/span> is a classical example of an ALIA<\/span>mide. The mast cell soon after the breakthrough paper of Levi-Montalcini was indeed shown to be an important target for the anti-inflammatory activity of PEA<\/span>, and in the period 1993-2013 more than 30 papers were published on the impact of PEA<\/span> on the mast cell.\u201d<\/p>\n

As often happens with important research, a partial solution to the problem of how PEA<\/span> functions led to a rush of scientists following up on those clues to figure out exactly how PEA<\/span> modulates mast cells.<\/p>\n

PEA<\/span> for Pain<\/h2>\n

A key development in understanding PEA<\/span> happened serendipitously in 1998, when a team in Naples was studying anandamide (AEA<\/span>), the endogenous cannabinoid neurotransmitter that is structurally similar to PEA<\/span>. (Both lipid compounds are \u201cEA<\/span>s\u201d \u2013 N-acylethanolamines.) Specifically they were researching AEA<\/span>\u2019s ability to cause pain relief by blocking pain transmission in the spinal cord before it even reaches the brain.<\/p>\n

For their experiments, they decided that they needed a control molecule to act as a placebo. As Dr. Daniele Piomelli relates, they wanted another endocannabinoid-like molecule that wouldn\u2019t have the same effects. So they chose PEA<\/span>, mostly because they knew that it didn\u2019t bind to the CB1<\/span> or CB2<\/span> receptors thought to be causing the pain-relieving effects. But as their paper in Nature pointed out, they were quite surprised to find out that PEA<\/span> had profound pain-relieving effects as well.<\/p>\n

This result intrigued them. If PEA<\/span> doesn\u2019t bind to the classic cannabinoid receptors CB1<\/span> and CB2<\/span>, then how does it do what it does?<\/p>\n

The researchers reasoned that a sister lipid molecule known as oleamide (OEA<\/span>) worked via the PPAR<\/span>\u03b1 (alpha) receptors. What\u2019s special about these PPAR<\/span>\u03b1 receptors is that they\u2019re nuclear receptors. They live not on the surface of the cell, but on the surface of its nucleus \u2013 the cellular control center that contains the DNA<\/span>. (In our neuronal ocean metaphor, the nucleus is City Hall and the PPAR<\/span> receptors are the bureaucrats who send out the orders.) Activating these nuclear receptors alters the transcription of genes and hence the production of new proteins. Each of these new proteins would have its own host of downstream effects. If you view the cell like a city, altering genetic transcription is like hiring a whole bunch of specialized workers to fix your problems, each with their own toolkit.<\/p>\n

Dr. Piomelli assigned his student Jesse LoVerme to study PEA<\/span>\u2019s mechanism of action. By 2005, they found that the PPAR<\/span>\u03b1 receptor mediated the anti-inflammatory effects of PEA<\/span>, and by 2007 they determined that this relationship also mediated PEA<\/span>\u2019s anti-pain effects. It was a huge breakthrough.<\/p>\n


PEA<\/span> &<\/span> the Entourage Effect<\/h2>\n

With the mechanism unveiled and the positive clinical effects noted, PEA<\/span> research poured forth like a spring. In 2008, UK<\/span>-based scientists reported that the ability of anandamide to relax the arteries was strengthened by the presence of PEA<\/span> \u2013 a phenomenon described as an \u201centourage effect.\u201d Published in the British Journal of Pharmacology, the study noted this effect occurred via the role of vanilloid receptors, which are part of a large, ancient family of Transient Receptor Potential ion channels (also known as TRP<\/span> or \u201ctrip\u201d receptors) that regulate core body temperature, inflammatory pain, and other basic visceral sensations, such as the burning sensation of hot foods like capsaicin.<\/p>\n

Anandamide binds to the TRPV1<\/span> vanilloid receptor as does CBD<\/span>. The endocannabinoid system and the endovanilloid system are so intertwined that anandamide is often described as a vanilloid compound.<\/p>\n

Also in 2008, a study on PEA<\/span> and neuropathic pain found not only TRPV1<\/span> to be involved, but also the CB1<\/span> cannabinoid receptor and another nuclear receptor, PPAR<\/span>\u03b3 (gamma). And in a subsequent study of neuropathic pain, PEA<\/span> helped by improving the release of amino acids as well as restoring the functioning of glutamate, the brain\u2019s primary excitatory neurotransmitter (and the subject of a previous Project CBD<\/span> article in this series).\u00a0<\/p>\n

In mouse studies involving a wide range of disease models, PEA<\/span> was found to lower inflammation, lessen cell death, and prevent tissue injury \u2013 often via multiple biochemical pathways. It even helped four jumping horses return to competition after their injuries didn\u2019t respond to any other treatment.<\/p>\n

Scientists now believe that PEA<\/span> exists \u2013 at least at low levels \u2013 in every single mammalian cell.<\/p>\n


Clinical Studies<\/h2>\n

Clinical experiments have also yielded impressive results. In patients with migraines, lower back pain, burning mouth syndrome, spinal cord injuries or the neuropathy of shingles, PEA<\/span> decreased pain and worked well as an add-on to the standard treatments. PEA<\/span> also helped people with bladder problems, irritable bowels, glaucoma, osteoarthritis of the knee, and exercise recovery. (For an extensive list of conditions helped by PEA<\/span>, see The PEA<\/span> Health Files at the end of this article.)<\/p>\n

In 20 patients undergoing chemo, PEA<\/span> eased the pain and even showed \u201csignificant restoration of nerve function.\u201d In a patient with ALS<\/span>, PEA<\/span> improved their clinical picture \u2013 probably via the mast cells as well as the microglia (the guardian immune cells of the brain). In multiple sclerosis patients, PEA<\/span> combined well with the standard treatment to improve pain, lower inflammation, and raise quality of life. Observational studies of 600 patients with treatment-resistant chronic pain found PEA<\/span> to be effective and safe. In seven patients with chronic idiopathic axonal polyneuropathy (intense neuropathic pain from an unknown source), PEA<\/span> significantly reduced pain with no side effects, and it did the same for 70 kids with migraines.<\/p>\n

PEA<\/span> is a powerhouse against inflammation and pain.<\/p>\n

In 24 women with endometriosis and chronic pelvic pain, PEA<\/span> combined with polydatin (a flavonoid often paired with PEA<\/span>) helped with their cramps, their pain during sex, and with their overall quality of life; similar results were later reported for 30 more patients. And in 30 diabetic patients, PEA<\/span> effectively reduced their neuropathic pain with no negative changes shown in their blood work or urine analysis. In two patients with autism, PEA<\/span> caused \u201crapid improvements in cognitive, behaviors, and sociability.\u201d In 58 patients with depression, 600 mg of PEA<\/span> twice a day in addition to citalopram significantly and rapidly improved symptoms. And it even works topically for humans with eczema; when, applied to the skin, PEA<\/span> caused less itching and better sleep with many of the patients stopping the use of corticosteroids.<\/p>\n

With respect to PEA<\/span>, throughout all of these studies, there\u2019s one assessment that comes up over and over again: \u201cWe also noted its safety due to the total absence of adverse effects.\u201d<\/p>\n

PEA<\/span> as a Dietary Supplement<\/h2>\n

Decades of unravelling a series of scientific mysteries have led to exciting discoveries that transformed PEA<\/span> from the stuff of egg yolk to the next great dietary supplement.<\/p>\n

In the ocean of our brain, the PEA<\/span> whale emerges to work its magic by orchestrating the lowering of inflammation and the reduction of pain across everywhere it roams. ClinicalTrials.gov lists 44 clinical trials for PEA<\/span> that are currently recruiting patients, in process, or completed. FSD<\/span> Pharma has PEA<\/span> in Phase 2 trials for use against an inflammatory disease of mast cell activation.<\/p>\n

PEA<\/span> is already in widespread use around the world. In Italy and Spain, it\u2019s an approved nutraceutical. Lesvi, a European pharmaceutical company, combines PEA<\/span> with several plants as a nutraceutical for the brain. A Dutch firm produces a formulation called PeaPure. And the PEA<\/span> formulation known as Levagen+ from Gencor Pacific is touted to improve joint health, mood, sleep, immune system health, exercise recovery, and quality of life.<\/p>\n

Fortunately it\u2019s relatively easy to access food-derived PEA<\/span> as a legal health supplement in the US<\/span>. A number of reputable vendors market PEA<\/span> products, and one can order them online. Anecdotal accounts suggest that CBD<\/span> and PEA<\/span> amplify each other\u2019s anti-inflammatory effects, and combining the two compounds could prove to be a powerful healing option.<\/p>\n

Lex Pelger writes articles about psychoactives and the endocannabinoid system. His first book, SUN<\/span>set, is available via Amazon. He publishes a weekly cannabinoid science newsletter Cannabinoids &<\/span> the People and conducts\u00a01-on-1 education sessions on using CBD<\/span>, PEA<\/span>, THC<\/span> &<\/span> CBDA<\/span> for serious health conditions. Copyright, Project CBD<\/span>. May not be reprinted without permission.<\/p>\n

The PEA<\/span> Health Files<\/h2>\n

2013: A Kuhnian take on evolution of PEA<\/span> knowledgeEvolution in pharmacologic thinking around the natural analgesic palmitoylethanolamide: from nonspecific resistance to PPAR<\/span>-\u03b1 agonist and effective nutraceutical<\/p>\n

The best PEA<\/span> review papers:<\/h3>\n

2022: A review on the potential of using PEA<\/span> for antiseizure effectsIs It Time to Test the Antiseizure Potential of Palmitoylethanolamide in Human Studies? A Systematic Review of Preclinical Evidence
\n2021: From Gencor (producers of the PEA<\/span> product Levagen+, a paper reviewing the wonders of PEA<\/span>Palmitoylethanolamide: A Potential Alternative to Cannabidiol
\n2021: This review of female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery suggests PEA<\/span> as a treatmentCannabinoid Therapy in Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery: Current Evidence and Future Directions
\n2021: This review looks at PEA<\/span> for autism and suggests that it may help via several different mechanismsPalmitoylethanolamide and Its Biobehavioral Correlates in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review of Human and Animal Evidence
\n2021: This review looks at the power of PEA<\/span> to protect the astrocytes (essential support cells of the brain) and fight Alzheimer\u2019s diseaseAlternative Targets to Fight Alzheimer\u2019s Disease: Focus on Astrocytes
\n2021: This review suggests using PEA<\/span> for treating COVID<\/span> patientsUltramicronized Palmitoylethanolamide (um-PEA<\/span>): A New Possible Adjuvant Treatment in COVID<\/span>-19 patients
\n2021: This review looks at how PEA<\/span> and oleoylethanolamide binds to GPR119<\/span> and GPR55<\/span> (receptors that may one day be known as CB3<\/span> and CB4<\/span>)GPR119<\/span> and GPR55<\/span> as Receptors for Fatty Acid Ethanolamides, Oleoylethanolamide and Palmitoylethanolamide
\n2021: A special issue of the International Journal of Molecular Sciences is dedicated to PEA<\/span>
\n2021: This mini-review examines why it makes sense to use PEA<\/span> to treat COVID<\/span> (includes one positive case study)Micronized \/ ultramicronized palmitoylethanolamide (PEA<\/span>) as natural neuroprotector against COVID<\/span>-19 inflammation
\n2020: A review of how PEA<\/span> moves through the bodyThe Basal Pharmacology of Palmitoylethanolamide
\n2020: A review of PEA<\/span> for petsPalmitoylethanolamide and Related ALIA<\/span>mides: Prohomeostatic Lipid Compounds for Animal Health and Wellbeing
\n2020: On using PEA<\/span> for pain (nice charts)ALIA<\/span>mides Update: Palmitoylethanolamide and Its Formulations on Management of Peripheral Neuropathic Pain
\n2020: PEA<\/span> + luteolin for neuroinflammationAn Update of Palmitoylethanolamide and Luteolin Effects in Preclinical and Clinical Studies of Neuroinflammatory Events
\n2019: A good review of PEA<\/span>\u2019s mechanisms of actionClinical Applications of Palmitoylethanolamide in Pain Management: Protocol for a Scoping Review
\n2019: A review on PEA<\/span> for end of life careThe Potential Benefits of Palmitoylethanolamide in Palliation: A Qualitative Systematic Review
\n2019: A review on PEA<\/span> for Alzheimer\u2019s disease with a focus on neuroinflammationPalmitoylethanolamide (PEA<\/span>) as a Potential Therapeutic Agent in Alzheimer\u2019s Disease
\n2019: On combining PEA<\/span> with other antioxidant molecules found in your diet (nice diagrams)Therapeutic Efficacy of Palmitoylethanolamide and Its New Formulations in Synergy With Different Antioxidant Molecules Present in Diets
\n2019: A review of PEA<\/span> for asthmaMolecular Targets of Fatty Acid Ethanolamides in Asthma
\n2018: A review of PEA<\/span> for depressionRole of Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA<\/span>) in Depression: Translational Evidence: Special Section on \u201cTranslational and Neuroscience Studies in Affective Disorders\u201d
\n2017: DiMarzo\u2019s great review with history, pharmacology, and charts of where it\u2019s found (breast milk!)The pharmacology of palmitoylethanolamide and first data on the therapeutic efficacy of some of its new formulations
\n2017: A review of PEA<\/span> and polydatin for endometriosis covers 4 studiesMicronized Palmitoylethanolamide\/Trans-Polydatin Treatment of Endometriosis-Related Pain: A Meta-Analysis
\n2016: A review of pain covers 6 studiesPalmitoylethanolamide for the Treatment of Pain: Pharmacokinetics, Safety and Efficacy
\n2016: This review of 12 studies of patients with pain, PEA<\/span> decreased pain with no serious adverse eventsPalmitoylethanolamide, a Special Food for Medical Purposes, in the Treatment of Chronic Pain: A Pooled Data Meta-analysis
\n2015: A review of PEA<\/span> for nerve compression problems like carpal tunnel and sciatic painPalmitoylethanolamide, a Neutraceutical, in Nerve Compression Syndromes: Efficacy and Safety in Sciatic Pain and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
\n2015: PEA<\/span> as a homeostasis mechanism for neuroinflammation in models of stroke, spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, and Parkinson diseaseN-Palmitoylethanolamine and Neuroinflammation: a Novel Therapeutic Strategy of Resolution
\n2015: In humans, this review of studies finds PEA<\/span> safe and effective for glaucoma and other retinopathies (nice chart of mechanisms of action)Palmitoylethanolamide, a Natural Retinoprotectant: Its Putative Relevance for the Treatment of Glaucoma and Diabetic Retinopathy
\n2014: A review of PEA<\/span> for inflammationHarnessing the Anti-Inflammatory Potential of Palmitoylethanolamide
\n2013: A great review of the history of PEA<\/span> and the clinical trials for the common coldPalmitoylethanolamide: A Natural Body-Own Anti-Inflammatory Agent, Effective and Safe Against Influenza and Common Cold
\n2013: A review of PEA<\/span> for inflammation from traumaPalmitoylethanolamide Is a New Possible Pharmacological Treatment for the Inflammation Associated With Trauma
\n2013: A review of PEA<\/span> for cannabis dependencePalmitoylethanolamide: From Endogenous Cannabimimetic Substance to Innovative Medicine for the Treatment of Cannabis Dependence
\n2013: A review of PEA<\/span> and the mast cellsNew Insights in Mast Cell Modulation by Palmitoylethanolamide: \u201cIn view of their strategic localization at sites directly interfacing with the external environment, mast cells act as surveillance antennae against different types of injury and can undergo activation, thereby regulating both innate and adaptive immune reactions through the release of several preformed and newly synthesized mediators. Mast cells are now viewed as key players in orchestrating several disorders including both acute and chronic inflammatory processes, and have a role in angiogenesis and hyperalgesia.\u201d
\n2012: A review of PEA<\/span>\u2019s effect on mast cells, glia cells (brain support cells), and neuroinflammationMast Cell-Glia Axis in Neuroinflammation and Therapeutic Potential of the Anandamide Congener Palmitoylethanolamide
\n2012: Dr. Piomelli\u2019s comments on lipids and PEA<\/span>A thickening network of lipids\u00a0
\n2007: Dr. DiMarzo on use for companion animalsPalmitoylethanolamide, Endocannabinoids and Related Cannabimimetic Compounds in Protection Against Tissue Inflammation and Pain: Potential Use in Companion Animals
\n2005: Dr. Piomelli on history of discoveryThe Search for the Palmitoylethanolamide Receptor<\/p>\n

A timeline of PEA<\/span> research:<\/h3>\n

[micronized and ultra-micronized PEA<\/span> means that the PEA<\/span> has been put into a small particle size for better absorption]<\/p>\n

2022: Researchers look to create new molecules that help increase natural PEA<\/span> levelsDiscovery and SAR<\/span> Evolution of Pyrazole Azabicyclo[3<\/span>.2.1]octane Sulfonamides as a Novel Class of Non-Covalent N-Acylethanolamine-Hydrolyzing Acid Amidase (NAAA<\/span>) Inhibitors for Oral Administration
\n2022: A major carotenoid from brown seaweed called fucoxanthinol appears to help with inflammation via its modulation of the PEA<\/span> pathwayAnti-Inflammatory Effects of Fucoxanthinol in LPS<\/span>-Induced RAW264<\/span>.7 Cells through the NAAA<\/span>–PEA<\/span> Pathway
\n2022: This survey shows that most women who used cannabis or the cannabinoids THC<\/span>, CBD<\/span>, or PEA<\/span> for gynecologic conditions reported that it improved painMedical Cannabis for Gynecologic Pain Conditions: A Systematic Review
\n2022: In a mouse model of obesity, PEA<\/span> restored the plasticity of their white and brown fat cells, leptin sensitivity, tissue hormone sensitivity and rewired the energy storing white into energy-consuming brown fat cellsPalmitoylethanolamide Promotes White-to-Beige Conversion and Metabolic Reprogramming of Adipocytes: Contribution of PPAR<\/span>-\u03b1
\n2022: In a study of 90 patients with COVID<\/span>-19, PEA<\/span> reduced inflammatory states, oxidative states and alterations to blood biomarkersEffects of Ultramicronized Palmitoylethanolamide (um-PEA<\/span>) in COVID<\/span>-19 Early Stages: A Case-Control Study
\n2022: In obese mice, PEA<\/span> lessened neuroinflammation as well as anxious behaviorPalmitoylethanolamide dampens neuroinflammation and anxiety-like behavior in obese mice
\n2021: In humans with induced migraines, the PEA<\/span> levels in their spinal cords didn\u2019t raise for those who regularly experienced episodic migrainesSpinal nociceptive sensitization and plasma palmitoylethanolamide levels during experimentally-induced migraine attacks
\n2021: In an animal model of stroke, they already knew that PEA<\/span> protects the blood-brain barrier and the brain itself. This study found that the effects weren\u2019t only mediated by changes in genetic transcription (the PPAR<\/span>\u03b1 receptor) but also by the regulation of the cell\u2019s microfilamentsPEA<\/span> prevented early BBB<\/span> disruption after cerebral ischaemic\/reperfusion (I\/R) injury through regulation of ROCK<\/span>\/MLC<\/span> signaling
\n2021: In humans, PEA<\/span> as well as the flavonoid luteolin helped to recover the sense of smell after a COVID<\/span> infectionRandomized clinical trial \u201colfactory dysfunction after COVID<\/span>-19: olfactory rehabilitation therapy vs. intervention treatment with Palmitoylethanolamide and Luteolin\u201d: preliminary results
\n2021: In lung cells exposed to the spike protein of SARS<\/span>-CoV-2, ultramicronized PEA<\/span> reduced all inflammatory markersUltramicronized Palmitoylethanolamide Inhibits NLRP3<\/span> Inflammasome Expression and Pro-Inflammatory Response Activated by SARS<\/span>-CoV-2 Spike Protein in Cultured Murine Alveolar Macrophages
\n2021: In Greek Navy SEALS<\/span> undergoing strenuous exercise, their levels of anandamide, PEA<\/span> and oleamide all increased, suggesting an adaptive ability of the ECS<\/span> in helping with stress and heart-rateEndocannabinoids and heart rate variability alterations after exposure to prolonged intensive physical exercise of the Hellenic Navy SEAL<\/span>s
\n2021: A case study of PEA<\/span> for the neuropathic pain of shinglesPalmitoylethanolamide (PEA<\/span>) in the treatment of neuropathic pain: a case study
\n2021: In rats with spinal cord injuries, PEA<\/span> alleviated the injury, inhibited inflammation, mitigated oxidative stress, reduced cell death and promoted motor function recoveryPPAR<\/span>\u03b1 agonist relieves spinal cord injury in rats by activating Nrf2\/HO<\/span>-1 via the Raf-1\/MEK<\/span>\/ERK<\/span> pathway
\n2021: In humans, CBD<\/span> and PEA<\/span> found safe for the skinTolerability Profile of Topical Cannabidiol and Palmitoylethanolamide: A Compilation of Single-Center Randomized Evaluator-Blinded Clinical and In Vitro Studies in Normal Skin
\n2021: In rabbits having eye surgery, PEA<\/span> reduced postoperative inflammation and scarring via the nuclear PPAR<\/span>\u03b1 receptorsPalmitoylethanolamide (PEA<\/span>) reduces postoperative adhesions after experimental strabismus surgery in rabbits by suppressing canonical and non-canonical TGF<\/span>\u03b2 signaling through PPAR<\/span>\u03b1
\n2021: In rats on an obesity diet, PEA<\/span> as well as oleamide (OEA<\/span> \u2013 another endocannabinoid) functioned as anti-obesity nutritional interventionsPalmitoleoylethanolamide Is an Efficient Anti-Obesity Endogenous Compound: Comparison with Oleylethanolamide in Diet-Induced Obesity
\n2021: In mice with inflamed colons, a combination of polydatin (a precursor of resveratrol) and ultra-micronized PEA<\/span> decreased inflammation via several pathwaysPEA<\/span>\/Polydatin: Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant Approach to Counteract DNBS<\/span>-Induced Colitis
\n2021: In mice with their left carotid artery tied off, a combination of PEA<\/span> and rutin (a helpful plant pigment) reduced inflammation, oxidative stress and vascular damageMicro Composite Palmitoylethanolamide\/Rutin Reduces Vascular Injury through Modulation of the Nrf2\/HO<\/span>-1 and NF<\/span>-kB Pathways
\n2021: In a human lung tissue model of COVID<\/span>-19 infection, a combination of PEA<\/span> and \u03b1-lipoic acid (ALA<\/span>) reduced oxidative stress and lowered the cytokine stormA Combination of \u03b1-Lipoic Acid (ALA<\/span>) and Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA<\/span>) Blocks Endotoxin-Induced Oxidative Stress and Cytokine Storm: A Possible Intervention for COVID<\/span>-19
\n2021: In a mouse model of traumatic brain injury (and a small clinical study), a combination of PEA<\/span> and the flavonoid luteolin caused increased neurogenesis as well as improvements in memory recallCo-Ultra PEAL<\/span>ut Enhances Endogenous Repair Response Following Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury
\n2021: In human cells, PEA<\/span> and polydatin lowered vascular inflammationPalmitoylethanolamide associated to polydatin reduces inflammation in human endothelial vascular cells exposed to doxorubicin and trastuzumab through PPAR<\/span>-a and NLRP3<\/span>-related pathways
\n2021: In humans with Tourette\u2019s, initial promise was seen with a combination of 10 mg of THC<\/span> + 800 mg of PEA<\/span>A Phase-2 Pilot Study of a Therapeutic Combination of \u0394 9-Tetrahydracannabinol and Palmitoylethanolamide for Adults With Tourette\u2019s SyndromeThey found that \u201cimprovement in tic symptoms was statistically significant within 1 week of starting treatment compared with baseline\u201d and that \u201ctreatment led to an average improvement in tic symptoms of more than 20%.\u201d
\n2021: In the brain of a model organism, the injection of PEA<\/span> or OEA<\/span> mediated the brain levels of serotonin and acetylcholineIn vivo brain levels of acetylcholine and 5-hydroxytryptamine after oleoylethanolamide or palmitoylethanolamide administrations are mediated by PPAR<\/span>\u03b1 engagement
\n2021: In rats with benign prostatic hyperplasia (the most common benign tumor in males), a combination of PEA<\/span> and baicalein (an active ingredient in Baikal skullcap) lowered inflammation, reduced oxidative stress and helped to modulate apoptosis (programmed cellular suicide)Palmitoylethanolamide\/Baicalein Regulates the Androgen Receptor Signaling and NF<\/span>-\u03baB\/Nrf2 Pathways in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
\n2021: In humans with nerve pain from rheumatic diseases, PEA<\/span> combined well with acetyl-l-carnitine (ALC<\/span>) to lower inflammation and to increase clinical scoresEfficacy of a fixed combination of Palmitoylethanolamide and acetyl-l-carnitine (PEA<\/span> + ALC<\/span> FC<\/span>) in the treatment of Neuropathies secondary to Rheumatic Diseases
\n2021: In humans, this cohort analysis found that the diversity of your gut microbiome was related to your happiness and motivation via the endocannabinoid system, especially via PEA<\/span> – which they call the endogenous version of CBD<\/span>Endocannabinoid system mediates the association between gut-microbial diversity and anhedonia\/amotivation in a general population cohort
\n2021: In microglial cells (the immune cells of the brain), PEA<\/span> caused decreased inflammation and increased neuroprotectionPalmitoylethanolamide Modulation of Microglia Activation: Characterization of Mechanisms of Action and Implication for Its Neuroprotective Effects
\n2021: A clinical trial where PEA<\/span> from Levagen+ improves many measures of sleepPalmitoylethanolamide for Sleep Disturbance. A Double-blind, Randomised, Placebo-controlled Interventional Study
\n2021: Engineering bacteria to live in the guts and produce PEA<\/span> on demandEngineered Lactobacillus paracasei Producing Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA<\/span>) Prevents Colitis in Mice
\n2021: In mice with varicocele (a disorder of the veins taking blood away from the testicles, a major cause of human infertility), PEA<\/span> helped via the PPAR<\/span>-\u03b1 receptorsThe Nutraceutical N-Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA<\/span>) Reveals Widespread Molecular Effects Unmasking New Therapeutic Targets in Murine Varicocele
\n2021: In mice with dermatitis, a topical containing CBD<\/span> and PEA<\/span> lessened inflammationAnti-inflammatory Effect of Cannabidiol and Palmitoylethanolamide Containing Topical Formulation on Skin in a 12-O-Tetradecanoylphorbol-13-Acetate-Induced Dermatitis Model in Mice
\n2021: In a rat model of inflammatory pain, PEA<\/span> combined well with acetyl-l-carnitine (LAC<\/span>)Effect of Ultra-Micronized-Palmitoylethanolamide and Acetyl-l-Carnitine on Experimental Model of Inflammatory Pain
\n2021: In pregnant rats, even huge doses of PEA<\/span> caused no measurable harmsPalmitoylethanolamide: Prenatal Developmental Toxicity Study in Rats
\n2021: In human with joint pain, PEA<\/span> reduced pain and improved moodThe Effect of a Dispersible Palmitoylethanolamide (Levagen+) Compared to a Placebo for Reducing Joint Pain in an Adult Population \u2013 A Randomised, Double-Blind Study
\n2021: In rabbits having eye surgery, PEA<\/span> reduced postoperative inflammation and scarring via the nuclear PPAR<\/span>\u03b1 receptorsPalmitoylethanolamide (PEA<\/span>) reduces postoperative adhesions after experimental strabismus surgery in rabbits by suppressing canonical and non-canonical TGF<\/span>\u03b2 signaling through PPAR<\/span>\u03b1
\n2020: In a mouse model of Gulf War illness, exposure alters the response to PEA<\/span>Pyridostigmine bromide exposure creates chronic, underlying neuroimmune disruption in the gastrointestinal tract and brain that alters responses to palmitoylethanolamide in a mouse model of Gulf War Illness
\n2020: On using PEA<\/span> for neurological disordersFood supplements based on palmitoylethanolamide plus hydroxytyrosol from olive tree or Bacopa monnieri extracts for neurological diseases
\n2020: This hypothetical paper suggests that the ability of PEA<\/span> to calm mast cells in the lungs may be a potential treatment for COVID<\/span>Sodium chromo-glycate and palmitoylethanolamide: A possible strategy to treat mast cell-induced lung inflammation in COVID<\/span>-19
\n2020: In mice with mood disorders induced by high-fat diets, PEA<\/span> limits mood disorders and cognitive dysfunctionPalmitoylethanolamide limits mood disorders and cognitive dysfunction induced by high fat diet in obese mice
\n2020: In 4 jumping horses with non-responsive lameness, ultramicronized PEA<\/span> for four months allowed them to return to competitionOral Supplementation with Ultramicronized Palmitoylethanolamide for Joint Disease and Lameness Management in Four Jumping Horses: A Case Report
\n2020: In cells, micronized PEA<\/span> (FM<\/span>-LipoMatrix\u00ae) combined with lipoic acid and vitamin D3<\/span> absorbed better and reduced neuroinflammationA New Palmitoylethanolamide Form Combined with Antioxidant Molecules to Improve Its Effectivess on Neuronal Aging
\n2020: In a cellular model of Alzheimer\u2019s, PEA<\/span> protected the neurons and increased their survivalAstrocytic palmitoylethanolamide pre-exposure exerts neuroprotective effects in astrocyte-neuron co-cultures from a triple transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer\u2019s disease
\n2020: In humans with glaucoma, PEA<\/span> found helpfulEffect of palmitoylethanolamide on inner retinal function in glaucoma: a randomized, single blind, crossover, clinical trial by pattern-electroretinogram
\n2020: For patients with COVID<\/span>-19, FSD<\/span> Pharma received FDA<\/span> approval to submit an Investigational New Drug Application for the use of PEA<\/span> to increase endogenous levels of endocannabinoid
\n2020: In rats, PEA<\/span> helpful for eye disorders via the PPAR<\/span>\u03b1 nuclear receptorsPPAR<\/span>\u03b1-Dependent Effects of Palmitoylethanolamide Against Retinal Neovascularization and Fibrosis
\n2020: In rats, a look at how PEA<\/span> causes vasodepression (the lowering of blood pressure) via the heart\u2019s CB1<\/span>, TRPV1<\/span> and probably GPR55<\/span> receptors, but not by CB2<\/span>Potential Mechanisms Involved in Palmitoylethanolamide-Induced Vasodepressor Effects in Rats
\n2020: In a double-blind human study, CBD<\/span> and PEA<\/span> both helped reduce permeability in the colon and appear helpful for IBS<\/span>Palmitoylethanolamide and Cannabidiol Prevent Inflammation-induced Hyperpermeability of the Human Gut In Vitro and In Vivo-A Randomized, Placebo-controlled, Double-blind Controlled Trial
\n2020: In patients with lower back pain, the combination of therapy and ultramicronized PEA<\/span> lowered pain past clinically relevant levels as well as increasing physical and mental quality of lifeCombination of Rehabilitative Therapy With Ultramicronized Palmitoylethanolamide for Chronic Low Back Pain: An Observational Study
\n2020: In 70 pediatric patients with migraines, ultramicronized PEA<\/span> decreased the number and severity of attacks with only one patient experiencing mild side effects (nausea and floating)Tolerability of Palmitoylethanolamide in a Pediatric Population Suffering From Migraine: A Pilot Study
\n2020: In a human study with 28 participants, Levagen+ helpful for exercise recovery by reducing myoglobin and lactate concentrationThe Effect of Orally Dosed Levagen+\u2122 (Palmitoylethanolamide) on Exercise Recovery in Healthy Males-A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study
\n2020: In mice with dry eye induced by sleep loss, they had lower levels of PEA<\/span> in the lacrimal gland and its synthetic enzyme (N-acylated phosphatidylethanolamine-phospholipase D) \u2013 treatment with PEA<\/span> restored lipid balance and protected the eye via PPAR<\/span>\u03b1N-Palmitoylethanolamine Maintains Local Lipid Homeostasis to Relieve Sleep Deprivation-Induced Dry Eye Syndrome
\n2020: Mechanistic study of how the enzyme NAAA<\/span> breaks down PEA<\/span>N-Acylethanolamine Acid Amidase (NAAA<\/span>): Mechanism of Palmitoylethanolamide Hydrolysis Revealed by Mechanistic Simulations
\n2020: In a mouse model of Alzheimer\u2019s, 3 months of oral ultramicronized PEA<\/span> \u201crescued cognitive deficit, restrained neuroinflammation and oxidative stress, and reduced the increase in hippocampal glutamate levels\u201dChronic Oral Palmitoylethanolamide Administration Rescues Cognitive Deficit and Reduces Neuroinflammation, Oxidative Stress, and Glutamate Levels in A Transgenic Murine Model of Alzheimer\u2019s Disease
\n2020: In mice asphyxiated at birth, PEA<\/span> attenuated the neuronal damage in corpus striatum, restored level of GFAP<\/span> cells as well as preventing the decrease of pNF-H\/M and MAP<\/span>-2Partial Reversal of Striatal Damage by Palmitoylethanolamide Administration Following Perinatal Asphyxia
\n2019: In 22 patients with pain, PEA<\/span> was effective at reducing chronic neuropathic pain via \u201cthe ascending pain pathway that are likely driven by rhythmic astrocytic gliotransmission\u201dEffects of the Glial Modulator Palmitoylethanolamide on Chronic Pain Intensity and Brain Function
\n2019: A re-analysis of an old unpublished study on the efficacy of micronized PEA<\/span> for lower back pain found it to be highly effectiveMicronized Palmitoylethanolamide: A Post Hoc Analysis of a Controlled Study in Patients With Low Back Pain \u2013 Sciatica
\n2019: in human double-blind study, both CBD<\/span> and PEA<\/span> reduced inflammation and reducing permeability in the human colonPalmitoylethanolamide and Cannabidiol Prevent Inflammation-induced Hyperpermeability of the Human Gut In Vitro and In Vivo\u2014A Randomized, Placebo-controlled, Double-blind Controlled Trial
\n2019: In a human double-blind study of 111 participants with knee osteoarthritis, PEA<\/span> found helpful for inflammationA Double-Blind Randomized Placebo Controlled Study Assessing Safety, Tolerability and Efficacy of Palmitoylethanolamide for Symptoms of Knee Osteoarthritis
\n2019: In 23 patients with mastocytosis (accumulation of mast cells), they had increased PEA<\/span> levelsAltered Metabolism of Phospholipases, Diacylglycerols, Endocannabinoids, and N-Acylethanolamines in Patients With Mastocytosis
\n2019: In 30 patients with endometriosis, both ultramicronized PEA<\/span> and co-micronised palmitoylethanolamide\/polydatin (PEA<\/span>\/PLD<\/span>) showed significant improvements in all measures as well as quality of lifeEffect of Ultramicronized-Palmitoylethanolamide and Co-Micronized Palmitoylethanolamide\/Polydatin on Chronic Pelvic Pain and Quality of Life in Endometriosis Patients: An Open-Label Pilot Study
\n2019: In one patient with burning mouth syndrome, after gabapentin did little, adding PEA<\/span> considerably improved the painAdd-on Administration of Ultramicronized Palmitoylethanolamide in the Treatment of New-Onset Burning Mouth Syndrome
\n2019: In 32 patients with bladder problems, micronized PEA<\/span> combined with polydatin reduced pain and urinary frequencyMicronized Palmitoylethanolamide-Polydatin Reduces the Painful Symptomatology in Patients With Interstitial Cystitis\/Bladder Pain Syndrome
\n2019: In mice, great study on the broad lipid changes caused by PEA<\/span>Broad Lipidomic and Transcriptional Changes of Prophylactic PEA<\/span> Administration in Adult Mice
\n2019: In cats with hypersensitive skin, ultramicronized PEA<\/span> helped increase the efficacy window of a steroid course of methylprednisoloneEffect of Dietary Supplementation With Ultramicronized Palmitoylethanolamide in Maintaining Remission in Cats With Nonflea Hypersensitivity Dermatitis: A Double-Blind, Multicentre, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study
\n2019: In mice with injured spines, Noxiall (a combo of PEA<\/span>, Beta-Caryophyllene, Carnosic Acid, and Myrrh) matched pregabalin and gabapentin\u00a0 for lessening pain and reducing mechanical and thermal sensitivitiesEfficacy of a Combination of N-Palmitoylethanolamide, Beta-Caryophyllene, Carnosic Acid, and Myrrh Extract on Chronic Neuropathic Pain: A Preclinical Study
\n2019: In rats with a heart attack, the combination of PEA<\/span> and baicalein from Chinese medicine \u201cdecreases myocardial tissue injury, neutrophils infiltration, markers for mast cell activation expression as chymase and tryptase and pro-inflammatory cytokines production (TNF<\/span>-\u03b1, IL<\/span>-1\u03b2)\u201d and \u201ctreatment reduces stress oxidative and modulates Nf-kB and apoptosis pathways\u201dEffects of a New Compound Containing Palmitoylethanolamide and Baicalein in Myocardial Ischaemia\/Reperfusion Injury in Vivo
\n2019: In mice with a painful nerve injury, PEA<\/span> restored cognitive behavior and neuronal functioning via two receptors in the glutamate systemMetabotropic Glutamate Receptor 5 and 8 Modulate the Ameliorative Effect of Ultramicronized Palmitoylethanolamide on Cognitive Decline Associated With Neuropathic Pain
\n2019: In mice with a painful nerve injury, ultramicronized PEA<\/span> was able to \u201creverse mechanical allodynia and thermal hyperalgesia, memory deficit and LTP<\/span>\u201d and restore \u201cthe level of glutamate and the expression of phosphorylated GluR1 subunits, postsynaptic density and neurogenesis\u201d via PPAR<\/span>aUltra-micronized Palmitoylethanolamide Rescues the Cognitive Decline-Associated Loss of Neural Plasticity in the Neuropathic Mouse Entorhinal Cortex-Dentate Gyrus Pathway
\n2019: In a mouse with PTSD<\/span>, PEA<\/span> was used to activate PPAR<\/span>a and this helped with fear extinction, anxiety and increased allopregnanolone (ALLO<\/span> – a gamma-aminobutyric acidergic neurosteroid implicated in mood disorders)Stimulation of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-\u03b1 by N-Palmitoylethanolamine Engages Allopregnanolone Biosynthesis to Modulate Emotional Behavior
\n2019: In a rat model of depression, PEA<\/span> helped greatly via several different markers including stress hormones \u2013 probably via PPAR<\/span>\u03b1N-Palmitoylethanolamide Exerts Antidepressant-Like Effects in Rats: Involvement of PPAR<\/span> \u03b1 Pathway in the Hippocampus
\n2019: In an animal model of dementia, PEA<\/span> and oxazoline were protectiveN-Palmitoylethanolamine-oxazoline (PEA<\/span>–OXA<\/span>): A New Therapeutic Strategy to Reduce Neuroinflammation, Oxidative Stress Associated to Vascular Dementia in an Experimental Model of Repeated Bilateral Common Carotid Arteries Occlusion
\n2019: In neurons, treatment with 2-AG<\/span> or PEA<\/span> affected microglial cells and caused protection but using them together blocked their positive effects and altered the distribution (but not the activation) of PPAR<\/span>aOpposite Effects of Neuroprotective Cannabinoids, Palmitoylethanolamide, and 2-Arachidonoylglycerol on Function and Morphology of Microglia
\n2019: In a model of mast cells, they found \u201cnovel molecular mechanisms through which PEA<\/span> controls mast cell degranulation and substance P (SP<\/span>)-induced histamine release\u201d with PEA<\/span> increasing 2-AG<\/span> via stimulation of DAGL<\/span>-\u03b1 and -\u03b2 activity and the combination of PEA<\/span> and 2-AG<\/span> working together at low levels when they didn\u2019t work on their ownPalmitoylethanolamide Counteracts Substance P-induced Mast Cell Activation in Vitro by Stimulating Diacylglycerol Lipase Activity
\n2018: In 155 patients with spinal damage and pain, ultramicronized PEA<\/span> helped with mild and moderate pain, but not severe pain, with a special emphasis on its safetyN-Palmitoyl Ethanol Amide Pharmacological Treatment in Patients With Nonsurgical Lumbar Radiculopathy
\n2018: In 58 patients with depression, 600 mg of PEA<\/span> twice a day + citalopram significantly improved symptoms and demonstrated a rapid-onset effectPalmitoylethanolamide as Adjunctive Therapy in Major Depressive Disorder: A Double-Blind, Randomized and Placebo-Controlled Trial
\n2018: In 35 patients with burning mouth syndrome, 600 mg of ultramicronized PEA<\/span> significantly reduced the pain after 60 days and caused no interference in the other pharmacological therapiesEfficacy of Ultramicronized Palmitoylethanolamide in Burning Mouth Syndrome-Affected Patients: A Preliminary Randomized Double-Blind Controlled Trial
\n2018: In 20 patients with migraines, ultramicronized PEA<\/span> treatment relieved pain with no side effectsEffects of Add-On Ultramicronized N-Palmitol Ethanol Amide in Patients Suffering of Migraine With Aura: A Pilot Study
\n2018: In mice with pain, PEA<\/span> potentiated morphine and lessened tolerance, suggesting it as an additive treatmentUltramicronized N-Palmitoylethanolamine Supplementation for Long-Lasting, Low-Dosed Morphine Antinociception
\n2018: In mice with epilepsy, PEA<\/span> injections lessened seizures, promoted neuroprotection and modulated ECS<\/span> levelsAntiepileptogenic Effect of Subchronic Palmitoylethanolamide Treatment in a Mouse Model of Acute Epilepsy
\n2018: In a mouse model of Alzheimer\u2019s, ultramicronized PEA<\/span> improved learning and memory, lessened depression and anhedonia and helped with neuroinflammation via several methodsUltramicronized Palmitoylethanolamide Rescues Learning and Memory Impairments in a Triple Transgenic Mouse Model of Alzheimer\u2019s Disease by Exerting Anti-Inflammatory and Neuroprotective Effects
\n2018: In aged mice, pretreatment with PEA<\/span> protected the brain from Parkinson\u2019s disease-like damage via several mechanismsN-palmitoylethanolamide Prevents Parkinsonian Phenotypes in Aged Mice
\n2018: In aged mice, PEA<\/span> protected from a bacterial infection in the organs and brainProphylactic Palmitoylethanolamide Prolongs Survival and Decreases Detrimental Inflammation in Aged Mice With Bacterial Meningitis
\n2018: In rats with induced pain, ultramicronized PEA<\/span> reached the peripheral sites more readily and caused less inflammation and tissue damage via the downregulation of several \u201cspinal inflammatory and oxidative pathways\u201dOral Ultramicronized Palmitoylethanolamide: Plasma and Tissue Levels and Spinal Anti-hyperalgesic Effect
\n2018: In baby mice with simulated perinatal asphyxia (not able to breate), PEA<\/span> treatment attenuated damage in the hippocampus and improved behavioral alterationsPalmitoylethanolamide Ameliorates Hippocampal Damage and Behavioral Dysfunction After Perinatal Asphyxia in the Immature Rat Brain
\n2018: In young rats deprived of oxygen, PEA<\/span> treatment reduced neuroinflammation, astrogliosis (overabundance of astrocytes) and preserved cognitive functionPalmitoylethanolamide Prevents Neuroinflammation, Reduces Astrogliosis and Preserves Recognition and Spatial Memory Following Induction of Neonatal Anoxia-Ischemia
\n2018: In rats with joint inflammation, micronized PEA<\/span> reduced the damage, pain and activation of macrophagesMicronized Palmitoylethanolamide Reduces Joint Pain and Glial Cell Activation
\n2018: In models of Alzheimer\u2019s, PEA<\/span> dampened the reactivity of the microglia and improved viability of the neurons as well as glial neurosupportPalmitoylethanolamide Dampens Reactive Astrogliosis and Improves Neuronal Trophic Support in a Triple Transgenic Model of Alzheimer\u2019s Disease: In Vitro and In Vivo Evidence
\n2018: In rats with induced liver fibrosis, PEA<\/span> protected via several mechanismsPalmitoylethanolamide Ameliorates Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Liver Fibrosis in Rats
\n2018: In a mixture of astrocytes and neurons, PEA<\/span> blunted the astrocyte activation caused by a challenge by A\u03b242 (a plaque associated with Alzheimer\u2019s disease)Palmitoylethanolamide Blunts Amyloid-\u03b242-Induced Astrocyte Activation and Improves Neuronal Survival in Primary Mouse Cortical Astrocyte-Neuron Co-Cultures
\n2018: PEA<\/span> nanoparticles for intraocular deliveryInnovative Nanoparticles Enhance N-Palmitoylethanolamide Intraocular Delivery
\n2017: In a mouse with traumatic brain injury, PEA<\/span> protected the brainPalmitoylethanolamide Reduces Neuropsychiatric Behaviors by Restoring Cortical Electrophysiological Activity in a Mouse Model of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
\n2017: In 100 patients with spinal damage and pain, ultramicronized PEA<\/span> combined well with paracetamol and codeine to relieve pain with no side effectsNonsurgical Lumbar Radiculopathies Treated With Ultramicronized Palmitoylethanolamide (umPEA): A Series of 100 Cases\u201cWe also noted its safety due to the total absence of adverse effects.\u201d
\n2017: In 55 patients with lower back pain, ultramicronized PEA<\/span> was an effective add-on to tapentadol for pain and improved quality of lifeThe Beneficial Use of Ultramicronized Palmitoylethanolamide as Add-On Therapy to Tapentadol in the Treatment of Low Back Pain: A Pilot Study Comparing Prospective and Retrospective Observational Arms
\n2017: In 10 patients with pain, ultramicronized PEA<\/span> helpedN-of-1 Randomized Trials of Ultra-Micronized Palmitoylethanolamide in Older Patients With Chronic Pain
\n2017: In mice with a broken tibia, a product of micronized and ultramicronized PEA<\/span> caused \u201can improved healing process, fracture recovery and fibrosis score\u201d as well as \u201cdecreased mast cell density, nerve growth factor, matrix metalloproteinase 9 and cytokine expression\u201d and apoptosis (cellular suicide)\u00a0(correction)Effect of a New Formulation of Micronized and Ultramicronized N-palmitoylethanolamine in a Tibia Fracture Mouse Model of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
\n2017: In mice with brain and spine injuries, the combination of PEA<\/span> and oxazoline protected the motor function and behavioral deficitsN-Palmitoylethanolamine-Oxazoline as a New Therapeutic Strategy to Control Neuroinflammation: Neuroprotective Effects in Experimental Models of Spinal Cord and Brain Injury
\n2017: In microglia and macrophage cells, PEA<\/span> increased CB2<\/span> expression via PPAR<\/span>-\u03b1Palmitoylethanolamide Induces Microglia Changes Associated With Increased Migration and Phagocytic Activity: Involvement of the CB2<\/span> Receptor
\n2017: In mice with induced allergies, PEA<\/span> helped to clear the bronchi and upregulated CB2<\/span> and GPR55<\/span>, suggesting it use as a supplement against asthmaPalmitoylethanolamide Supplementation during Sensitization Prevents Airway Allergic Symptoms in the Mouse
\n2017: In colon cells, CBD<\/span> and PEA<\/span> are anti-inflammatoryCannabidiol and Palmitoylethanolamide Are Anti-Inflammatory in the Acutely Inflamed Human Colon
\n2017: In intestinal cells, PEA<\/span> lowered intestinal permeability via PPAR<\/span>\u03b1 and in response to inflammatory mediators, the cells increased their PEA<\/span> levelsOleoylethanolamine and Palmitoylethanolamine Modulate Intestinal Permeability in Vitro via TRPV1<\/span> and PPAR<\/span>\u03b1
\n2017: In a canine skin model, PEA<\/span> protected from the negative effects of mast cellsUltramicronized Palmitoylethanolamide Counteracts the Effects of Compound 48\/80 in a Canine Skin Organ Culture Model
\n2016: In a study of cells, animals and humans, PEA<\/span> raised the level of 2-AG<\/span> and potentiated its effects at TRPV1<\/span>The Anti-Inflammatory Mediator Palmitoylethanolamide Enhances the Levels of 2-arachidonoyl-glycerol and Potentiates Its Actions at TRPV1<\/span> Cation Channels
\n2016: In 27 patients with endometriosis, AEA<\/span> and PEA<\/span> levels increased along with condition severityElevated Systemic Levels of Endocannabinoids and Related Mediators Across the Menstrual Cycle in Women With Endometriosis
\n2016: In humans with multiple sclerosis, ultramicronized PEA<\/span> added to the first line treatment (interferon IFN<\/span>-\u03b21a) caused an improvement in pain scores and quality of lifeOral Palmitoylethanolamide Treatment Is Associated With Reduced Cutaneous Adverse Effects of Interferon-\u03b21a and Circulating Proinflammatory Cytokines in Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis
\n2016: In 72 patients with spinal cord injuries, ultramicronized PEA<\/span> caused no positive effects at all for anything measuredUltramicronized Palmitoylethanolamide in Spinal Cord Injury Neuropathic Pain: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial (followup comment: Ultramicronized Palmitoylethanolamide Treatment in Central Neuropathic Pain Following Longstanding Spinal Cord Injury: Try to Extinguish the Fire After Everything Was Burned)
\n2016: In a preclinical study in mice and a case study with a 10 year old, a combination of PEA<\/span> and luteolin ameliorated symptomatology of autismBeneficial Effects of Co-Ultramicronized Palmitoylethanolamide\/Luteolin in a Mouse Model of Autism and in a Case Report of Autism
\n2016: In mice with heart attacks, ultramicronized PEA<\/span> protected the heart via the PPAR<\/span>a receptorsProtective Effects of Ultramicronized Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA<\/span>-um) in Myocardial Ischaemia and Reperfusion Injury in VIVO<\/span>
\n2016: In rats with endometriosis, ultramicronized PEA<\/span> worked via the mast cells to lower pain, as well as the levels of cysts and stonesUltramicronized Palmitoylethanolamide Reduces Viscerovisceral Hyperalgesia in a Rat Model of Endometriosis Plus Ureteral Calculosis: Role of Mast Cells
\n2016: In this mouse model and patient study of colitis and Crohn\u2019s disease, PEA<\/span> \u201cinhibits colitis-associated angiogenesis [blood vessel formation], decreasing VEGF<\/span> release and new vessels formation\u201d via the PPAR<\/span>a and helped to regulate the angiogenic process via the mTOR\/Akt axisPalmitoylethanolamide Modulates Inflammation-Associated Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF<\/span>) Signaling via the Akt\/mTOR Pathway in a Selective Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Alpha (PPAR<\/span>-\u03b1)-Dependent Manner
\n2016: In colon cancer cells, PEA<\/span> caused a significant reduction in proliferation, angiogenesis, and VEGF<\/span> secretion and expression via PPAR<\/span>a\u2019s effect on the AkT\/mTOR axisPalmitoylethanolamide Exerts Antiproliferative Effect and Downregulates VEGF<\/span> Signaling in Caco-2 Human Colon Carcinoma Cell Line Through a Selective PPAR<\/span>-\u03b1-Dependent Inhibition of Akt\/mTOR Pathway
\n2015: In two patients with autism, PEA<\/span> caused \u201crapid improvements in cognitive, behaviors, and sociability\u201dBeneficial Effects of Palmitoylethanolamide on Expressive Language, Cognition, and Behaviors in Autism: A Report of Two Cases
\n2015: In 160 dogs with red itchy skin, ultramicronized PEA<\/span> was \u201ceffective and safe in reducing pruritus and skin lesions\u201d and improving quality of lifeEfficacy of Ultra-Micronized Palmitoylethanolamide in Canine Atopic Dermatitis: An Open-Label Multi-Centre Study
\n2015: In rats with pain, PEA<\/span> delayed the tolerance effects of morphineDelay of Morphine Tolerance by Palmitoylethanolamide
\n2015: In rats with high blood pressure, PEA<\/span> protected via several difference pathwaysPalmitoylethanolamide Treatment Reduces Blood Pressure in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats: Involvement of Cytochrome p450-derived Eicosanoids and Renin Angiotensin System
\n2015: In mice with damaged kidneys, PEA<\/span> and silymarin combined to reduce \u201ckidney dysfunction, histological damage, neutrophil infiltration and oxidative stress\u201d and inhibited NF<\/span>-\u03baB and apoptosis (cellular suicide) pathwaysEffects of Palmitoylethanolamide and Silymarin Combination Treatment in an Animal Model of Kidney Ischemia and Reperfusion
\n2015: In rats with inflamed eyes, PEA<\/span> \u201cdecreased the inflammatory cell infiltration and improved histological damage of eye tissues\u201d and reduced ocular inflammationThe Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA<\/span>) on Endotoxin-Induced Uveitis in Rats
\n2015: In mice with induced colitis, PEA<\/span> helps via the CB2<\/span>, GPR55<\/span> and PPAR<\/span>a receptors as well as the TRPV1<\/span> channelsPalmitoylethanolamide, a Naturally Occurring Lipid, Is an Orally Effective Intestinal Anti-Inflammatory Agent
\n2015: In a mouse model of multiple sclerosis, treatment with PEA<\/span> or CBD<\/span> reduced disease severity with diminished inflammation, demyelination, axonal damage and inflammatory cytokine expression \u2013 but they did not work as well togetherInteraction between the protective effects of cannabidiol and palmitoylethanolamide in experimental model of multiple sclerosis in C57BL<\/span>\/6 mice
\n2015: In mice with painful nerve injuries, PEA<\/span> restored their glutamate functioning and the changes in amino acid release (nice graphic)Palmitoylethanolamide Reduces Pain-Related Behaviors and Restores Glutamatergic Synapses Homeostasis in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex of Neuropathic Mice
\n2015: In cells challenged by the A\u03b2 amyloid plaques of Alzheimer\u2019s disease, PEA<\/span> \u201creduced expression of pro-inflammatory and pro-angiogenic markers\u201d via PPAR<\/span>aPalmitoylethanolamide Regulates Production of Pro-Angiogenic Mediators in a Model of \u03b2 Amyloid-Induced Astrogliosis In Vitro
\n2015: In mice neurons challenged by the A\u03b2 amyloid plaquess of Alzheimer\u2019s, PEA<\/span> rescued glutamate in non-transgenic mice but not the triple-transgenic murine modelDifferential Effects of Palmitoylethanolamide Against Amyloid-\u03b2 Induced Toxicity in Cortical Neuronal and Astrocytic Primary Cultures From Wild-Type and 3xTg-AD<\/span> Mice
\n2014: In 30 diabetic patients, micronized PEA<\/span> effectively reduced pain while blood work and urine analysis saw no significant alterationsMicronized Palmitoylethanolamide Reduces the Symptoms of Neuropathic Pain in Diabetic Patients
\n2014: In 60 patients with eczema, a PEA<\/span>\/AEA<\/span> topical improved \u201cpassive and active skin functions simultaneously\u201dN-palmitoylethanolamine and N-acetylethanolamine Are Effective in Asteatotic Eczema: Results of a Randomized, Double-Blind, Controlled Study in 60 Patients
\n2014: In a patient with chronic vulvar and anal pain, a topical of PEA<\/span> and baclofen decreased her pain by 50% and allowed for sex againVulvodynia and Proctodynia Treated With Topical Baclofen 5 % and Palmitoylethanolamide
\n2014: In dogs with red itchy skin, PEA<\/span> probably helped via the downregulation of mast cells and levels of PEA<\/span> increased as the disease progressedIncreased Levels of Palmitoylethanolamide and Other Bioactive Lipid Mediators and Enhanced Local Mast Cell Proliferation in Canine Atopic Dermatitis
\n2014: In a rat model of Alzheimer\u2019s disease, PEA<\/span> was able to restore the alterations via PPAR<\/span>a and to reverse the cognitive impairmentsPalmitoylethanolamide Controls Reactive Gliosis and Exerts Neuroprotective Functions in a Rat Model of Alzheimer\u2019s Disease
\n2014: In mice with an inflamed colon, PEA<\/span> improved transit time in the GI<\/span> tract and increased AEA<\/span> levels via the CB1<\/span> receptors and TRPV1<\/span> channelsPalmitoylethanolamide Normalizes Intestinal Motility in a Model of Post-Inflammatory Accelerated Transit: Involvement of CB<\/span>\u2081 Receptors and TRPV1<\/span> Channels
\n2014: In the intestines of rats undergoing chemotherapy, PEA<\/span> protected via the mast cells for protectionPalmitoylethanolamide Regulates Development of Intestinal Radiation Injury in a Mast Cell-Dependent Manner
\n2014: In a rat model of inflammatory pain, micronized\/ultramicronized PEA<\/span> worked better orally than PEA<\/span>Micronized\/ultramicronized Palmitoylethanolamide Displays Superior Oral Efficacy Compared to Nonmicronized Palmitoylethanolamide in a Rat Model of Inflammatory Pain
\n2014: In mice, PEA<\/span> treatment increased the ability of macrophages to phagocytose (engulf and digest) E. coli bacteriaPalmitoylethanolamide Stimulates Phagocytosis of Escherichia Coli K1<\/span> by Macrophages and Increases the Resistance of Mice Against Infections
\n2014: In colon cells, PEA<\/span> improved all macroscopic signs of ulcerative colitis and decreased all the proinflammatory markers tested via PPAR<\/span>aPalmitoylethanolamide Improves Colon Inflammation Through an Enteric Glia\/Toll Like Receptor 4-dependent PPAR<\/span>-\u03b1 Activation
\n2013: In 24 women with endometriosis and chronic pelvic pain, micronized PEA<\/span> and polydatin reduced pelvic pain, dysmenorrhea (cramps) and dyspareunia (pain during sex) but not dysuria (painful urination) and dischezia (strained stools) as well as improving overall quality of life[Administration of Micronized Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA<\/span>)-transpolydatin in the Treatment of Chronic Pelvic Pain in Women Affected by Endometriosis: Preliminary Results]
\n2013: In 7 patients with chronic idiopathic axonal polyneuropathy (intense pain), PEA<\/span> reduced pain significantly with no side effectsChronic Idiopathic Axonal Neuropathy and Pain, Treated With the Endogenous Lipid Mediator Palmitoylethanolamide: A Case Collection
\n2013: In a rat model of epilepsy, PEA<\/span> reduced seizures via the PPAR<\/span>-\u03b1 receptors and indirectly by the CB1<\/span> receptorsAntiepileptic Action of N-palmitoylethanolamine Through CB1<\/span> and PPAR<\/span>-\u03b1 Receptor Activation in a Genetic Model of Absence Epilepsy
\n2013: In mice with spinal cord trauma, they found that PPAR<\/span>-\u03b4 and PPAR<\/span>-\u03b3 also contribute to PEA<\/span>\u2019s anti-inflammatory effectsMolecular Evidence for the Involvement of PPAR<\/span>-\u03b4 and PPAR<\/span>-\u03b3 in Anti-Inflammatory and Neuroprotective Activities of Palmitoylethanolamide After Spinal Cord Trauma
\n2013: In rats with high blood pressure, PEA<\/span> reduced blood pressure and reduced damage to the kidneysN-Palmitoylethanolamide Protects the Kidney From Hypertensive Injury in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats via Inhibition of Oxidative Stress
\n2013: In mice with pain, PEA<\/span> helped via recruitment and protection of mast cells, decrease of nerve growth factor, preservation of the nerves and the reduction of microglia activation in the spinal cordNon-neuronal Cell Modulation Relieves Neuropathic Pain: Efficacy of the Endogenous Lipid Palmitoylethanolamide
\n2013: PEA<\/span> targets both glial and mast cells for anti-inflammation and neuroprotective effectsGlia and mast cells as targets for palmitoylethanolamide, an anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective lipid mediator
\n2013: In mice injured by formalin, PEA<\/span> activated microglia and glia cells, significantly reduced mechanical allodynia and thermal hyperalgesia, suggesting the use for spinal cord injuriesPalmitoylethanolamide Reduces Formalin-Induced Neuropathic-Like Behaviour Through Spinal Glial\/Microglial Phenotypical Changes in Mice
\n2013: In rat neuronal cells challenged with the A\u03b2 amyloid plaques of Alzheimer\u2019s, \u201cPEA<\/span> is able to blunt A\u03b2-induced astrocyte activation and to exert a marked protective effect on neurons\u201dNeuroglial Roots of Neurodegenerative Diseases: Therapeutic Potential of Palmitoylethanolamide in Models of Alzheimer\u2019s Disease
\n2013: In cells, PEA<\/span> activated TRPV1<\/span>, perhaps via PPAR<\/span>aActivation and Desensitization of TRPV1<\/span> Channels in Sensory Neurons by the PPAR<\/span>\u03b1 Agonist Palmitoylethanolamide
\n2012: In humans, a case series on PEA<\/span> for painTherapeutic Utility of Palmitoylethanolamide in the Treatment of Neuropathic Pain Associated With Various Pathological Conditions: A Case Series
\n2012: In an observational study of 600+ patients, PEA<\/span> helped all of them with their treatment-resistant chronic pain and caused no adverse effectsPalmitoylethanolamide in the Treatment of Chronic Pain Caused by Different Etiopathogenesis
\n2012: In a patient with ALS<\/span>, PEA<\/span> improved the clinical picture, probably via the microglia and mast cellsAmyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Treatment With Ultramicronized Palmitoylethanolamide: A Case Report
\n2012: In mice, PEA<\/span> helped to protect from a Parkinson\u2019s like insult, probably via the PPAR<\/span>a receptorNeuroprotective Activities of Palmitoylethanolamide in an Animal Model of Parkinson\u2019s Disease
\n2012: In rats, PEA<\/span> protected the brain after injury by many pathwaysReduction of Ischemic Brain Injury by Administration of Palmitoylethanolamide After Transient Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion in Rats
\n2012: In a mouse model of traumatic brain injury, PEA<\/span> protected the brain via several pathways and improved neurobehavioral functionsAdministration of Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA<\/span>) Protects the Neurovascular Unit and Reduces Secondary Injury After Traumatic Brain Injury in Mice
\n2012: In a mouse model of Alzheimer\u2019s disease, injected PEA<\/span> significantly helped with learning and memory disfunction, probably via the PPAR<\/span>a pathwayPalmitoylethanolamide Protects Against the amyloid-\u03b225-35-induced Learning and Memory Impairment in Mice, an Experimental Model of Alzheimer Disease
\n2012: In mice with intestinal injuries, pretreatment with PEA<\/span> reduced inflammation and cell death, probably via the PPAR<\/span>a pathwayEffects of Palmitoylethanolamide on Intestinal Injury and Inflammation Caused by Ischemia-Reperfusion in Mice
\n2012: In mice with injured kidneys, PEA<\/span> protected via several different pathways, probably via the PPAR<\/span>a pathwayPalmitoylethanolamide Reduces Early Renal Dysfunction and Injury Caused by Experimental Ischemia and Reperfusion in Mice
\n2012: In mice experiencing pain, PEA<\/span> increased allopregnanolone (ALLO<\/span>) levels via the PPAR<\/span>a receptorImplication of Allopregnanolone in the Antinociceptive Effect of N-palmitoylethanolamide in Acute or Persistent Pain
\n2012: In neurons challenged by the \u03b2-amyloids of Alzheimer\u2019s disease, PEA<\/span> blunted activation and improved neuronal survivalPalmitoylethanolamide Exerts Neuroprotective Effects in Mixed Neuroglial Cultures and Organotypic Hippocampal Slices via Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-\u03b1
\n2012: In microglial cells, PEA<\/span> caused increased phagosytosis of E. coli and strepPalmitoylethanolamide Stimulates Phagocytosis of Escherichia Coli K1<\/span> and Streptococcus Pneumoniae R6<\/span> by Microglial Cells
\n2011: In 20 patients undergoing chemo, PEA<\/span> helped with the pain and showed positive effects on the myelinated fiber groupsPalmitoylethanolamide Restores Myelinated-Fibre Function in Patients With Chemotherapy-Induced Painful Neuropathy
\n2011: In brain tissue, PEA<\/span> appears to regulate neurosteroidogenesis (steroid production in the brain) and increase allopregnanolone (ALLO<\/span>) via the PPAR<\/span>a receptorPalmitoylethanolamide Stimulation Induces Allopregnanolone Synthesis in C6<\/span> Cells and Primary Astrocytes: Involvement of Peroxisome-Proliferator Activated Receptor-\u03b1
\n2011: In brain cells, PEA<\/span> reduced the number of microglial cells and protected the neurons via the PPAR<\/span>a receptorPalmitoylethanolamide Protects Dentate Gyrus Granule Cells via Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-\u03b1
\n2011: In mice with spinal cord injuries, PEA<\/span> \u201creduced the degree of the severity of spinal cord trauma through the reduction of mast cell infiltration and activation [and] reduced the activation of microglia and astrocytes expressing cannabinoid CB<\/span>(2) receptor\u201dEffects of Palmitoylethanolamide on Release of Mast Cell Peptidases and Neurotrophic Factors After Spinal Cord Injury
\n2011: In brain cells, the \u03b2-amyloid plaques of Alzheimer\u2019s increased PEA<\/span> levels while treatment with PEA<\/span> blunted their proinflammatory effects, probably via increased 2AG<\/span> levels and the PPAR<\/span>a receptorPalmitoylethanolamide Counteracts Reactive Astrogliosis Induced by \u03b2-Amyloid Peptide
\n2010: In mice, PEA<\/span> modulated the hypnotic effect of phenobarbital via PPAR<\/span>a\u2019s increase of allopregnanolone (ALLO<\/span>) as well as a positive modulation of GABA<\/span>Palmitoylethanolamide Modulates Pentobarbital-Evoked Hypnotic Effect in Mice: Involvement of Allopregnanolone Biosynthesis
\n2010: In canine mast cells, PEA<\/span> downregulated their activity via several factors, suggesting its use for inflammation and painEffects of Palmitoylethanolamide on Immunologically Induced Histamine, PGD2<\/span> and TNF<\/span>alpha Release From Canine Skin Mast Cells
\n2009: In mice with pain, pretreatment with PEA<\/span> lowered their pain levels via PPAR<\/span>a\u2019s inhibition of signaling in the dorsal root ganglia and by the reduction of COX<\/span>-2 and iNOSCentral Administration of Palmitoylethanolamide Reduces Hyperalgesia in Mice via Inhibition of NF<\/span>-kappaB Nuclear Signalling in Dorsal Root Ganglia
\n2008: In this study of 2456 patients with eczema, PEA<\/span> topical treatment caused less itching, more sleeping and half of them stopped using their corticosteroidsAdjuvant Treatment of Atopic Eczema: Assessment of an Emollient Containing N-palmitoylethanolamine (ATOPA<\/span> Study)
\n2008: In a mouse model of multiple sclerosis, CB2<\/span>, 2AG<\/span> and PEA<\/span> were upregulated and PEA<\/span> applied topically reduced disability and lowered inflammationStudy of the Regulation of the Endocannabinoid System in a Virus Model of Multiple Sclerosis Reveals a Therapeutic Effect of Palmitoylethanolamide
\n2008: In mice with a spinal cord injury, PEA<\/span> reduced \u201c1) the degree of spinal cord inflammation and tissue injury, 2) neutrophil infiltration, 3) nitrotyrosine formation, 4) proinflammatory cytokine expression, 5) nuclear transcription factor activation-kappaB activation, 6) inducible nitric-oxide synthase expression, and 6) apoptosis\u201d and it helped with recovery of motor functionEffects of Palmitoylethanolamide on Signaling Pathways Implicated in the Development of Spinal Cord Injury
\n2008: In mice, PEA<\/span> helped with pain via CB1<\/span>, TRPV1<\/span> and PPAR<\/span>\u03b3The Endogenous Fatty Acid Amide, Palmitoylethanolamide, Has Anti-Allodynic and Anti-Hyperalgesic Effects in a Murine Model of Neuropathic Pain: Involvement of CB<\/span>(1), TRPV1<\/span> and PPAR<\/span>gamma Receptors and Neurotrophic Factors
\n2008: In rat arteries, the ability of AEA<\/span> to induce relaxation was potentiated by both PEA<\/span> and OEA<\/span> and the ability of PEA<\/span> and OEA<\/span> to cause relaxation may be via TRPV1<\/span>\u2018Entourage\u2019 Effects of N-palmitoylethanolamide and N-oleoylethanolamide on Vasorelaxation to Anandamide Occur Through TRPV1<\/span> Receptors
\n2007: In mice with pain, preadministration of PEA<\/span> reduced swelling and inflammation via the PPAR<\/span>a receptorAcute Intracerebroventricular Administration of Palmitoylethanolamide, an Endogenous Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-Alpha Agonist, Modulates Carrageenan-Induced Paw Edema in Mice
\n2005: Dr. Piomelli identifies PPAR<\/span>a as PEA<\/span>\u2019s mechanism and in this mouse model, it reduced inflammationThe Nuclear Receptor Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-Alpha Mediates the Anti-Inflammatory Actions of Palmitoylethanolamide
\n2003: In mice, PEA<\/span> potentiates the ability of AEA<\/span> to induce microglia migration and this is not mediated by CB1<\/span> or CB2<\/span>Palmitoylethanolamide increases after focal cerebral ischemia and potentiates microglial cell motility
\n2002: In a patient after stroke, levels of AEA<\/span>, PEA<\/span> and OEA<\/span> all riseRelease of fatty acid amides in a patient with hemispheric stroke: a microdialysis study
\n2002: In cancer cells, PEA<\/span> seems to potentiate the antiproliferative effects of AEA<\/span> via the vanilloid systemEffect on Cancer Cell Proliferation of Palmitoylethanolamide, a Fatty Acid Amide Interacting With Both the Cannabinoid and Vanilloid Signalling Systems
\n2001: In breast cancer cells, PEA<\/span> inhibited expression of FAAH<\/span> and enhanced the anti-proliferative effects of AEA<\/span>Palmitoylethanolamide Inhibits the Expression of Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase and Enhances the Anti-Proliferative Effect of Anandamide in Human Breast Cancer Cells
\n2001: In kidney cells, PEA<\/span> enhanced AEA<\/span>\u2019s stimulation of vanilloid receptorsPalmitoylethanolamide Enhances Anandamide Stimulation of Human Vanilloid VR1<\/span> Receptors
\n1996: In neurons, PEA<\/span> protected against glutamate toxicity and prevented neuron lossThe ALIA<\/span>mide Palmitoylethanolamide and Cannabinoids, but Not Anandamide, Are Protective in a Delayed Postglutamate Paradigm of Excitotoxic Death in Cerebellar Granule Neurons
\n1995: In mast cells, PEA<\/span> downmodulated mast cell activation via the CB2<\/span> receptorMast Cells Express a Peripheral Cannabinoid Receptor With Differential Sensitivity to Anandamide and Palmitoylethanolamide
\n1993: Levi-Montalcini\u2019s big paper where she said PEA<\/span> worked via mast cells and where she coined the acronym ALIA<\/span>A Proposed Autacoid Mechanism Controlling Mastocyte Behaviour
\n1980: Dr. Epps finds PEA<\/span> accumulating in infarcted myocardium and becomes the first to suggest that fatty molecules may play a protective role during ischemia and that its presence \u201cmay signify a response of myocardial tissue to injury directed at minimizing damage and promoting survival\u201dAccumulation of N-acylethanolamine Glycerophospholipids in Infarcted Myocardium
\n1979: 3 large human trials shows PEA<\/span>\u2019s help for acute respiratory infections and with no negative effects on antibody productionStudies on prophylactic efficacy of N-2-hydroxyethyl palmitamide (Impulsin) in acute respiratory infections. Serologically controlled field trials
\n1975: The first supportive paper on the effects of PEA<\/span> in cancer as a modulator of toxicity in chemotherapyThe Effect of Long-Term Administration of N-(2-hydroxyethyl)palmitamide on the Chemotherapy of RBA<\/span> Rat Leukemia
\n 1975: The first small pilot for rheumatic pain that supported PEA<\/span>\u2019s analgesic propertiesLetter: Slow Encephalopathies, Inflammatory Responses, and Arachis Oil
\n1974: Two large scale double-blind trials shows PEA<\/span> helping symptoms of respiratory tract infections, but not their timecourseProphylactic efficacy of N-2-hydroxyethyl palmitamide (impulsin) in acute respiratory tract infections
\n1972: In mice, PEA<\/span> decreased mortality from a variety of immunological insultsNon-specific Resistance Induced by Palmitoylethanolamide
\n1965: Bachur\u2019s work finds PEA<\/span> consistently present in brain, liver and muscle of rats and guinea pigsFatty acid amides of\u00a0ethanolamine in mammalian tissues
\n1957: Initial discovery paperThe identification of N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-palmitamide as a naturally occurring anti-inflammatory agent\n<\/div>\n

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Think of your brain as an ocean, an ecosystem inhabited by numerous species of fish-like neurotransmitters and their receptors, with currents of electricity connecting and delicately balancing all the different components. 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